If 50 candidates, three from YU... All three as enrolled undergraduates Three police commissioners from YU... Continuing the tradition of fostering senior police executives Department of Police Administration records 21 students for passing police officer examinations as students over the past two years [February 19, 2020] <YU students who passed the employment test for the 69th police cadet candidates (left to right: Kwon In-hyuk, Choi Won-joon)> YU (President Sur Gil-soo) recorded three students passing the 2020 69th police cadet employment test. All three passed the test while still enrolled as students. This test had 50 passers (35 general test, 5 women, special sector (10 from tax accounting, data processing and information communication)), and three in the general test were from YU. The three that passed the examination were YU Chunma Honors School Senior Kwon In-hyuk (29), School of Economics and Finance Senior Park Su-ho (27) and Department of Information and Communication Engineering Sophomore Choi Won-joon (24). Choi Won-joon, who has just become a sophomore, surprised everybody by passing the test just two years since starting college. Mr. Choi passed the written test on his first try in 2018, but was not accepted at the end. This time, he placed his name on the passer list by passing the written test, physical test, and interview. Mr Choi said, “While serving as a conscripted policeman for my military service, I became to understand the importance of the occupation of policemen, and I began to dream of becoming a police executive.” He added, “It was not an easy challenge, but my goal was clear and I studied hard, which is why I was able to pass earlier than expected.” Mr. Kwon In-hyuk said, “After passing my written test and during the physical test, I injured my hamstring, but I pushed forward through my willpower and completed the test.” He said, “Preparing for tests is a life of repetition for a long time and it is certainly not easy. I think that even if you are held back once in a while, the most important thing is not to be shaken up and trust yourself and continue persevering.” Those who passed the 69th police cadet test will receive training for one year as a cadet at the Police Academy from February 24 and then be appointed as lieutenants with other graduates of the Police Academy. YU graduated a total of three Commissioner Generals, which is equivalent to Police Commissioner, including Choi Gi-moon (currently, mayor of Yeongcheon), numerous local police commissioners including Seoul District Police Agency Chief Kim Seok-gi, and police chiefs including Seo Hyun-soo. YU expects to continue its tradition of fostering high-ranking police officials with the three police executive cadets this time around. Meanwhile, YU newly established the Department of Police Administration in 2014 (admissions quota of 40) and appointed professors from the Police Academy, thus receiving reviews that it operates an optimized curriculum for fostering police officers. It had visible achievements in just five years of establishing the department. In recent police officer examinations, nine in 2018 and 12 in 2019 passed (9 as police, 1 as railway police, 1 for educational administration, and 1 for general administration) while they were still enrolled as students, and one person every year moved on to law school.
At the recently held Finance and Economy Alumni chairman inauguration ceremony, rice baskets, etc. received as gifts changed to cash for donation Shared alumni’s concerns for juniors... Funds to be utilized for preventive activities against COVID-19 on campus “Please overcome the crisis with the vigor of Cheonma and stay healthy while studying” [March 5, 2020] YU Finance and Economy Alumni Association Kim Seok-hoe delivered 10 million KRW as donations for the efforts to overcome COVID-19 at his alma mater, YU on the 4th.> YU Finance and Economy Alumni Association Kim Seok-hoe (63, Architectural Engineering class of ‘75, CEO of Bolim Construction) delivered donations of 10 million KRW to his alma mater, YU, on the 4th to help with the efforts to overcome COVID-19. This donation came from rice baskets, cash gifts, etc. that he received at the inauguration ceremony as the chairman of the YU Finance and Economy Alumni Association, for which he was thinking about how to put to good use. He decided to pass on this money for the health of his juniors at YU with the rapid increase of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Daegu/Gyeongbuk region. YU Finance and Economy Alumni Association Chairman Kim Seok-hoe said, “Whenever I hear news that COVID-19 infection is spreading in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk region, I listen up carefully worried that my alma mater and juniors might be affected.” He added, “When I recently met my fellow alumni in Seoul, they all shared the same concerns that I did. We hope that our juniors, who have not yet stepped on campus for this new semester, will be able to wisely overcome COVID-19 with the vigor of Cheonma and study at the YU campus being healthy.” YU decided to use the funds donated by Chairman Kim for prevention activities of COVID-19. Meanwhile, the YU Finance and Economy Alumni Association’s love for their alma mater and juniors has been wide known to be very special. Alumni from finance and economics hold an annual home-coming day to visit YU and they also hold alumni welcoming ceremonies for those landing jobs in the Seoul area to encourage their juniors, thus exhibiting extraordinary unity. YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “Students and YU should feel a great deal of support as they have senior alumni who congratulate them in happy times and who lend a hand in times of difficulties.” He added, “I know how the finance and economics alumni, who quietly support YU at all times wherever they are, feel. We will do our best to respond not only to COVID-19, but to create a healthy and safe campus through the united efforts of YU faculty and staff.”
Exporting ‘Saemaul Studies’ to Cambodian university, 2+2 diploma program offered Opened doors to exchange in cultural arts with Cambodia’s top royal university of fine arts Attended by the Korean Ambassador to Cambodia, expected to expand the New Southward Policy [February 19, 2020] <YU President Sur Gil-soo and Western University Kieng Rotana (right) exchange MOUs> “The Saemaul Undong was the key driving force for the Republic of Korea, which was an aide recipient, to become an advanced nation that is an aide contributor. This experience has been recognized as a development model for developing countries from the international community. Today will be a historical day where Korea’s Saemaul Undong, which is a living textbook, was pledged to be shared with Cambodia. YU will not forget its mission as the university that developed the Saemaul Undong into Saemaul Studies and will do its best together with you to foster Saemaul leaders of Cambodia.” This is what YU President Sur Gil-soo recently said to the students and faculty of Wester University (President Kieng Rotana). YU will begin offering dual diploma programs with foreign universities with ‘Saemaul Studies’. This is the first time that a native Korean academic discipline, and not an imported discipline, is being exported to a foreign university for dual diploma programs. For this, Mr. Sur visited Western University in the morning of January 31 and signed a Memorandum of Understanding for implementing the Saemaul Studies dual diploma program with the attendance of about 200 students and faculty members. Western University is a private university ranked seventh in all of Cambodia and it has a total of three campuses in Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham. There are about 5,000 students currently enrolled and it is a university that is actively looking toward fostering global human resources by offering dual diploma programs with aviation logistics departments with universities in Australia, USA, Thailand and Singapore. With this MOU, Western University will newly offer the Saemaul Economic Development Department at its Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham campuses in the early half of this year, and it will accept 40 and 30 freshmen, respectively, in each. Thus, 70 new students at the Western University Saemaul Economic Development Department will study for two years in Cambodia from November of this year, and then transfer to the YU International Development and Saemaul Undong two years later in September 2022 and study for two years more. And by the end of August 2024, they will receive their bachelor’s in Saemaul Studies from both YU and Western University, thus being recorded as not only Korea’s, but the world’s first dual diploma graduates in Saemaul studies. Western University Chairman Te Laurant said in his congratulatory address, “Cambodia’s future depends on our two universities. Let’s operate the dual diploma program with a grave sense of responsibility to contribute to the development of national development.” He also announced his plans to provide study-abroad scholarships to five students, showing his strong will to support the dual diploma program. The local press was also highly interested. YU President Sur Gil-soo and Western University President Kieng Rotana followed the MOU signing ceremony with interviews explaining the operation plans and eligibility for the dual diploma program, details on career choices after graduation, and it was aired nationwide by TV news on all broadcasting companies in Cambodia. (photo on left, YU President Sur Gil-soo being interviewed by local press) It took about two years to finalize this MOU. YU first received a request for export of Saemaul studies to Western University at the time of entering an international exchange agreement between the two universities in April 2018, and then in April of 2019, YU received a request to export Saemaul studies directly from the Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhaily. YU responded by organizing a project team as part of the URI (University-Region Innovation) project currently being pursued with the support of the Industry-Academic Cooperation Team. Professor Choi Wae-chul, who created the ‘Saemaul Studies’ and is currently serving as an advisor to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, was appointed as the supervising researcher. He drove the negotiations for opening the Saemaul Economic Development Department and offering dual diploma programs with Western University, which finally came into fruition. Such achievements are the result of YU constructing the educational infrastructure for Saemaul studies and its leading efforts to construct a global network. Starting with the opening of the ‘Regional Society Development Department’ in 1976, research and education in regional social development and Saemaul Undong-related fields were continued for the past 40 years, and the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Seamaul was established in 2011 giving master’s degrees to a total of 593 people from 63 countries around the world. Such efforts and abilities were finally recognized by the international community. Furthermore, the fact that over 40 Cambodian alumni who earned their master’s at the Park Chung Hee School returned to Cambodia and are playing crucial roles in the education ministry, local development ministry, foreign affairs ministry, tourism ministry, parliament, central bank and NGOs also helped with the push for exporting Saemaul studies and the dual diploma program in Cambodia. YU is also discussing exports of Saemaul studies with two national universities recommended by the Cambodian education ministry. Moreover, countries like Tanzania, Zambia, Indonesia, East Timor and Pakistan are also requesting YU to export Saemaul studies. <YU President Sur Gil-soo and RUFA Rector Sovath (right) takes a photo with the MOU> Meanwhile, Mr. Sur and his entourage visited the Royal University of Fine Arts, which is the oldest university of Cambodia on January 30 and met with Cambodian Vice Minister of Culture and chairman of RUFA Som Sokhun to sign an international academic exchange agreement with the attendance of Korean Ambassador to Cambodia Park Heung-gyeong (photo above). Ambassador Park said in his congratulatory address, “As the Korean government’s New Southward Policy aims at ‘fostering a peaceful community focusing on people’ by strengthening cooperation in various fields including economic, cultural and human exchange between Korea and ASEAN, I am certain that the exchange cooperation between the two universities will also play a part in achieving the goal of the New Southward Policy” to congratulate the opening of the doors to exchange in the culture and arts sector between not only the two universities, but between the two nations. Students of RUFA put on performances including traditional dances, singing Arirang, and chamber music to commemorate the exchange.
International students at Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul step up to help residents who suffered from the eruption of Taal in the Philippines Donations of 1.1 million KRW delivered through YU international students from the Philippines Delivered toilet kits and blankets, etc. to 50 displaced households [February 13, 2020] <YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul students who gathered relief funds and delivered it to the victims of the volcanic eruption in the Philippines> “Dear citizens of Philippines, the entire world supports you. Cheer up!” International students at YU stepped up to help victims of the volcanic eruption in the Philippines. They delivered the contributions for displayed people who suffered from the damages of the eruption of Taal in Batangas, Philippines on January 12. International students at the Park Chung Hee School who learned about the volcanic eruption in the Philippines gathered a total of 1.1 million KRW and gave it to Maridel Christine A. Amor (25) and Mary Rose Bernadette Mabato) from the Philippines who study with them at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul. The Filipino students who received the funds said, “It was hard to hear bad news about my home country while studying abroad. The consolations of my fellow students studying here were great encouragements,” while adding, “I am very grateful for the contributions that they took out from their tight budget while studying abroad. The donations by the students at the Park Chung Hee School will be a great help for our citizens to once again get back on their feet.” Maridel Christine A. Amor, an international student at YU who received the funds, passed it on to Joash Pante living in the Philippines to get relief items to the displaced people (photo on left). Mr. Pante also studied at YU as an international student for one year from September 2012 to August 2013 at YU. Meanwhile, local institutes also contributed in helping the displaced people with the funds delivered by YU. Personnel from the University of Batangas, Philippine Physical Therapy Association Batangas Province Chapter, and the Saint Patrick's Hospital Medical Center purchased and delivered portable toilet kits, pillows, blankets, etc. to be distributed to 50 displaced families.
Of the 50 candidates, three from YU... All three still as students Three police commissioners from YU... Continuing the tradition of fostering senior policy executives Department of Police Administration recorded 21 students in passing police officer examinations as students for the past two years [February 19, 2020] <YU students who passed the employment test for the 69th police executive candidates (left to right: Kwon In-hyuk, Choi Won-joon)><제69기 YU (President Sur Gil-soo) recorded three students passing the 2020 69th police executive candidate employment test. All three passed the test while still enrolled as students. This test had 50 passers (35 general test, 5 women, special sector (10 from tax accounting, data processing and information communication), and three in the general test were from YU. The three that passed the examination were YU Chunma Honors School Senior Kwon In-hyuk (29), School of Economics and Finance Senior Park Su-ho (27) and Department of Information and Communication Engineering Sophomore Choi Won-joon (24). Choi Won-joon, who has just become a sophomore, surprised everybody by passing the test just two years since starting college. Mr. Choi passed the written test on his first try in 2018, but was not accepted at the end. This time, he placed his name on the passer list by passing the written test, physical test, and interview. Mr Choi said, “While serving as a conscripted policeman for my military service, I became to understand the importance of the occupation of policemen, and I began to dream of becoming a police executive.” He added, “It was not an easy challenge, but my goal was clear and I studied hard, which is why I was able to pass earlier than expected.” Mr. Kwon In-hyuk said, “After passing my written test and during the physical test, I injured my hamstring, but I pushed forward through my willpower and completed the test.” He said, “Preparing for tests is a life of repetition for a long time and it is certainly not easy. I think that even if you are held back once in a while, the most important thing is not to be shaken up and trust yourself and continue persevering.” Those who passed the 69th police executive candidate test will receive training for one year as a cadet at the Police Academy from February 24 and then be appointed as lieutenants with other graduates of the Police Academy. YU graduated a total of three Commissioner Generals, which is equivalent to Police Commissioner, including Choi Gi-moon (currently, mayor of Yeongcheon), numerous local police commissioners including Seoul District Police Agency Chief Kim Seok-gi, and police chiefs including Seo Hyun-soo. YU expects to continue its tradition of fostering high-ranking police officials with the three police executive cadets this time around. Meanwhile, YU newly established the Department of Police Administration in 2014 (admissions quota of 40) and appointed professors from the Police Academy, thus receiving reviews that it operates an optimized curriculum for fostering police officers. It had visible achievements in just five years of establishing the department. In recent police officer examinations, nine in 2018 and 12 in 2019 passed (9 as police 1 as railway police, 1 for educational administration, and 1 for general administration) while they were still enrolled as students, and one person every year has been going to law school.
Received 91. billion KRW in national funding to compete the ‘MW Solar Power R&BD Testing Center’ Increase opportunities for develop solar power generation companies enter foreign markets Cooperation ‘synergy’ expected for research centers and personnel fostering project team related to solar power at YU [February 7, 2020] <YU 'MW-grade (Megawatt) solar power generation R&BD testing center'> YU (President Sur Gil-soo) completed the construction of the MW-grade solar power generation R&BD testing center of the 4th. The MW-grade solar power generation R&BD testing center was constructed receiving project cost support of approximately 9.1 billion KRW from the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning for about 40 months from June 2016 to September 2019. The solar power generation R&BD testing center was installed over an area of 20,5921 square meters at the YU Gyeongsan Campus and it is equipped with world-class standardization design, installation, power production, and system linking infrastructure. <YU MW-grade solar power generation R&BD testing center (drone photo)> YU School of Chemical Engineering Professor Jung Jae-hak, who led this project, said, “Solar power generation systems in Korea are being installed by SMEs without standardized certification on the generation system, aside from solar cell modules and inverter certifications.” He added, “With the construction of this center, it has become possible to provide stable and comprehensive standardization plans that guarantee a 20-year life for generation facilities. We will not only outreach the technologies to private sectors, but also have companies install and operate facilities at the center to measure and collect precise world-class climate information and annual generation volume to accredit electric generation track records.” Currently three domestic companies including Korea East-West Power are receiving tests at the YU MW-grade solar power generation R&BD testing center to receive accreditation of electric generation volume track records. With its full-fledged operation, the YU MW-grade solar power generation R&BD testing center is expected to help resolve issues related to the installation and construction of solar power generators, and for other parts. It is expected to play a big role in long-term stable business investments for consumers who plan to install generators and for financial investors. Professor Jung said, “Back when a Korean company tried to enter the power generation business in the US, it had to obtain track records for three years at the Sandia RTC (Regional Test Center under the US Department of Energy to export. This was because there was no track record accreditation institute in Korea. That company had to pay a large sum to obtain track records and had to delay its business for three years” as he explained the background for the construction of the MW-grade solar power generation R&BD testing center In 2017, Professor Jung held a symposium by inviting leaders of MW-grade solar power generation RTCs from around the world in the second year following the nationally funded project. He aimed at sharing weather and generation volume per country and region, as well as design methods and proposing standardization models by creating a consortium that shares data. The four institutes of YU, Sandia RTC of the US, Fraunhofer of Germany, and IRESEN of Morocco agreed on an MOU and has jointly operated the ‘PV-CAMPER (Photo Voltaic Collaborative to Advance Multi-climate Performance Energy Research) Consortium’. This consortium holds international conferences every year to discuss standardization plans and it is planning to hold its third conference this year in March in Brazil. The third conference will be joined by England and France, and will exchange mutual track records, certifications and join-research performance with 10 countries including Qatar, Singapore, Brazil and Australia that joined earlier. In particular, the YU solar power generation R&BD testing center is the only one of the ten centers around the world having farming solar power generation system equipment (photo above) and has been receiving a lot of attention from other nations. Currently, YU has furnished equipment for testing not only the farming solar power generation system, but also two-sided, rail dye reaction type, installation angle variable type solar cell generation system, but also advanced roof-type, factory slate-type, thin film solar cell building-type, and sound-proof wall solar power generation systems. YU already has the Daegu-Gyeongbuk solar cell module regional innovation center, TUV solar power module certification testing center, KOLAS solar module certification testing center, and advanced solar power personnel fostering project team. With the construction of this center, it is expected that it will be able to obtain synergy effects for improving business competitiveness by fostering experts in the relevant sectors, R&D and industry-academic cooperation. Professor Jung said, “We will be able contribute greatly for domestic solar power generation facility and parts companies to enter foreign markets,” while adding, “If more countries join the RV-CAMPER consortium, the roles and ripple effects of the YU solar power generation R&BD testing center will be upgraded.”
The College of Mechanical and IT Engineering holds ‘3rd YU RoboCup’... School of Mechanical Engineering ‘MURA’ team wins Converged mechanical, electronic, electric, SW, and wireless communication technologies to produce and operate balancing robots “Integrate knowledge and skills of various majors to improve creativity and problem-solving skills” [January 31, 2020] <3rd YU RoboCup> YU (President Sur Gil-soo) held the 3rd ‘YU RoboCup’, a robot soccer tournament. This contest, which was held at the YU Automobile Hall lobby at 1 p.m. on January 30 sponsored by the YU College of Mechanical and IT Engineering and the Innovation Project Team, was hosted together with the YU Department of Robotics and Intelligent Machine Engineering. A total of 30 students of the departments pursuing the university innovation project participated in this contest. The ‘YU RoboCup’, which is in its third year, is a soccer tournament using self-made ‘balancing robots’. The robots’ width, height, weight, motor output, and wheel size are designated by specific rules and the robot frame material and type, internal controller, communication equipment, battery, console, etc. can be freely built by students. Students made their own convergence robot using mechanical, electronic, electric, SW and wireless communication technologies. Teams of two students built two balancing robots and controlled it with RC controllers in a tournament at a designated field. YU College of Mechanical and IT Engineering Dean Kim Young-tak, who oversaw this tournament, said, “In the fourth industrial revolution, the robot engineering sector that integrates various majors including mechanical, electronics and ICT is drawing a lot of attention. Students make and operate robots based on their knowledge in their major in order to enhance understanding on technological convergence and will be able to improve their problem-solving capacities.” He also added, “We will develop and operate various educational programs where students can apply their knowledge in lecture halls to help them enhance the practical capacities and creativity of students.” Meanwhile, the ‘Mura’ team of School of Mechanical Engineering seniors Shin Hyun-woo and Hwang Il-geum won this tournament, while the ‘Football is Soccer’ team made up of Department of Robotics and Intelligent Machine Engineering freshmen Hwang Se-jin and Bae Jae-hyun took second place.
The Education Development Center hosted the ‘YU Can Do Contest’ for the second semester of 2019 Shared studying knowhow through ‘Study success case portfolio’ [January 31, 2020] The YU Education Development Center (Director Kim Geun-ho) held the ‘YU Can Do Contest’ awards ceremony for the 2nd semester of the 2019 school year on the 21st. This contest invited portfolios that established study plans to improve grades for the semester and containing practices and reflections on performing systematic learning. Participating students successfully performed a total of five missions, while also improving grades significantly. The submitted works contain details on the entire process for successfully practicing studies. Portfolios submitted in the contests contain post-participation reviews of various extracurricular study activities for corrective, supplementary and expansive thinking for study diagnostics, study coaching, and study plans developed by the Education Development Center, and for the student’s own practicing of studying. The Education Development Center placed significance in this contest in that the elevation of study motivation of students, effective study management, and practical study goals contributed in improving grades. This contest was planned to improve academic performance and grades, while focusing on improving the students’ self GPA management capacities and to encourage their successful studies. The works submitted for this contest were judged based on grade improvement compared to the previous semester, devotion to the portfolio contents, and case expandability. One person won the grand prize, three won excellence awards, and five won commendation awards. Yoo Ji-hye (Department of Living Products Design freshman) won the grand prize for her outstanding portfolio and huge academic improvement. Miss Yoo actively used the time management planner and recorded and managed her projects into pre-practice and follow-up review by days. The Education Development Center is planning to offer the ‘YU Can Do“ program for the 2020 school year as well. It is also planning to submit study practice success case portfolios to carry out the ’YU Can Do Contest’ that can bring fruit to the academic efforts of the semester.
Goal to improve self-initiated learning capacities by reading classics, debating, and writing focus education Selected four out of 100 classics selected by YU to apply in class Four professors per sector lectures through team-teaching... Operating small group system [January 17, 2020] The YU Education Innovation Center (Director Kim Byung-joo) held an outstanding essay award ceremony for the ‘Great Books, Great Thoughts’ general education class on January 7. ‘Great Books, Great Thought’ is the most famous program of the University Innovation Support Program hosted by the Ministry of Education. It began in the second semester of 2019 with the goal of improving self-initiated learning capacities through reading classics in various academic disciplines, debates, and concentrating writing education. Stronger altruistic sympathy and bold challenges ‘Great Books, Great Thoughts’ is a one-semester (15 week) education program combining reading classics, debates and writing education models for three weeks at a time in fields such as literature, humanities and arts, society, and natural science. It is comprised of small (20 people or less) groups (total 4 groups) and professors were assigned to four different fields. The participation faculty (team-teaching lectures) is in charge of operating the four sub-groups under the advisor for each sub-group. After completing the three-week classes, professors review submitted essays to give excellent essay awards to students with 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 4 bronze medals, and held meetings about the class with the winners. Plans are to publish a book using the essays selected as outstanding essays. The first semester of 2020 will offer ‘Great Books, Great Thoughts – Benevolence’ and in the second semester, ‘Great Books, Great Thoughts – Justice’ will be offered. ‘Great Books, Great Thoughts – Benevolence’ will be comprised of lectures by Professor Nam Jung-seop (Department of English Language and Literature) with ‘The Great Gatsby’, Professor Woo Jae-ho (Department of Chinese Language and Literature) with ‘Analects of Confucius’, Professor Kim Jung-goon (Business Administration with ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution’, and Professor Seok Ho-young (Life Science) with ‘Selfish Genes’. The class will be operated as absolute evaluation schemes. Meanwhile, the Education Innovation Center is also planning to select outstanding students among those who took two or more classes of ‘Stronger altruistic sympathy and bold challenges Great Books, Great Thoughts’ from the second semester of 2019 to the first and second semesters of this year to offer them the opportunity to an overseas humanities trip (Europe) during the 2020 winter vacation. Students who took the class for three straight semesters will be given preference when selecting participants for the overseas humanities trip.