The 8th Agrifood Future Planning Group ‘Grand Prize’… 300 people of 102 teams, including university students in related majors, participated ‘Suggestion of innovative measures for distribution of agricultural products in elderly farms through benchmarking of young farmers’ is well received 23% additional revenue generated by applying direct marketing activities to local aged farms [December 23, 2021] <The YU Horticultural Life Science students who won the ‘Grand Prize’ by the 8th Agrifood Future Planning Group> (From left: LEE Go-eun, SEONG So-min, KIM Bu-kyung YU students won the grand prize of the 8th Agricultural Food Future Planning Group hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. Those glorious winners are KIM Bu-kyung and SEONG So-min (4th grade) and LEE Go-eun (3rd grader) from YU's Horticultural and Life Sciences department. The Agrifood Future Planning Group, established in 2014, is a community of young people who wish to advance into the agri-food industry. The Agri-Food Future Planning Group youth carry out various activities such as monitoring and promoting agro-food policy projects, suggesting ideas related to the agro-food sector and policy, and visiting companies and exhibitions. In addition, the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation supports young people to enter the food industry through special lectures and interviews with incumbents in the agri-food industry. Three hundred people of one hundred and two teams from universities having related majors across the country were selected to the 8th Agricultural Food Future Planning Group, active for six months from April to October. They held a graduation ceremony on December 10th. A team from the Department of Horticultural Life Sciences at YU ranked first (grand prize) and received an award of 2 million won and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. In addition, the grand prize awarded team will also have preferential treatment when hired as a youth intern at the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. The Department of Horticultural Life Sciences team at YU received good reviews by suggesting a distribution innovation plan for agricultural products for elderly farmers by benchmarking young farmers in the Gyeongbuk region. In addition, the YU team proposed the development of applications to promote direct trade and a plan to create innovative jobs in agricultural product distribution that can coexist between young and elderly farmers. “We benchmarked the successful distribution cases of young farmers in Gyeongsangbuk-do,” said KIM Bu-kyung. By applying SNS marketing or direct transaction activities used by young farmers to elderly farms growing shine muscat in Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, we created an additional 23% or more profit compared to the existing revenue. It seems to have received a good evaluation because it came up with a specific way to generate gains through confirmed performance results of recruiting farms and applying sales and marketing activities,” he said. They also said, “We are proud of our field of study, agriculture. We will continue to study the agricultural industry continues in the future,” revealing their strong ambitions.
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 29
- 2021. 12. 23
- 14682
KIM Jeong-soo (-90 kg class) ‘Gold’, SEO Min-hyun (+100 kg class) ‘Silver’, KIM Min-soo (-73 kg class) ‘Bronze’ Finished the season with a runner-up finish in the team competition [December 21, 2021] <Yeongnam University Judo Athletes who won individual competitions in the 2021 Jeju Cup National Judo Competition> (From left: CHOI Won-ho, SEO Min-hyun (2nd place at +100kg), KIM Min-su (3rd place at -73kg), KIM Jeong-su (1st place at -90kg), LEE Kyu-in Manager Lee Jung-hwa) The YU Judo Club (Director LEE Jung-hwa) finished the season with excellent results, finishing second in the team competition, including one gold, silver, and bronze in the individual match, respectively, at the 2021 Jeju Cup National Judo Competition, last round of the 2021 season. In this competition held at the Jeju Sports Complex from December 13th to 16th, Kim Jeong-soo (20, sophomore, physical education) from YU's judo team won the men's college -90kg class, Min-hyeon Seo (20, sophomore in the Department of Special Physical Education), who participated in the +100kg class, won a silver medal, Minsu Kim (20, sophomore in the Department of Physical Education), who participated in the -73kg class, won a bronze medal, respectively. KIM Jeong-soo, who won the gold medal, advanced to the final by defeating HONG Seung-yeon of Korea Sports University in the quarterfinals with a shoulder throw. In the final, he won the championship with half wining judgement from a hug jumping against KIM Jae-min of Yong-in university. Furthermore, he proved that he is the strongest in their weight class by the 2nd wining, after the victory of the national collegiate judo federation match of men and women held in September 2021 by a decisive ippon throwing away KIM Jae-min in the final. YU Judo team coach LEE Jung-hwa said, “It is deplorable that the tournament could not be held normally this season due to the impact of Corona 19. Although our players showed good performances in the individual competition, it is regrettable that we could not show all the skills of the YU judo team in the team event due to injuries during the individual match. However, I will work hard in winter training and challenge to win the team event next year.”
- Pr team
- 2021. 12. 29
- 2021. 12. 21
- 14727
23 CEOs from YU, took first place in non-metropolitan private colleges Analysis of 1,439 CEO’s of large 1,000 enterprises [November 22nd, 2021] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) took 12th place in the colleges produced 1,000 large enterprise CEO’s in whole country. YU took first place in non-metropolitan private colleges. Unico Search, a professional headhunting company, analyzed 1,439 CEO’s of 1,000 domestic large enterprises focused in their colleges of origin in 2021. As the result, YU was found to be at 12th place with production of 23 CEO’s. Seoul National University took first place with production of 203 CEO’s and was followed by Korea University and Yonsei University. In whole country, 13 colleges produced 20 or more CEO’s and, among them, YU is the only non-metropolitan private university. Meanwhile, YU took 7th place in the colleges produced 100 large enterprise CEO’s analyzed by Economist, a current affairs magazine, in 2020 and took 9th place in the colleges produced CEO’s of 30 listed large group affiliates analyzed by Datanews.
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 09
- 2021. 11. 22
- 15374
Functional Materials and Devices Lab, undergraduate research students’ performances of tasks “Study on efficient energy generation and storage technology,” international acceptance [December 1st, 2021] <Students of Department of Materials Science and Engineering who reported theses in international journals> (From the left, Lee Seung-ah, Nam Ga-hyeon, and Lee Geon) Students of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, YU published theses through famous international journals and their research capability is accepted by the outside. A thesis reported by co-authors Nam Ga-hyeon (23) and Lee Geon (22) of 4th Grade of Department of Materials Science and Engineering was inserted in a famous international journal in ceramic area, Ceramics International, with 4.527 of IF in November and, in August, the thesis reported by Lee Seung-ah (22) as lead author was inserted in Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, IF 3.125. The theses reported by them are the performances of a task performed by Functional Materials, Devices Lab of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, YU. Nam Ga-hyeon and Lee Geon reported the result of a study on maximization of efficiency of energy storage materials. They manufactured a ferroelectric ceramic material for charge/discharge of high energy in nano-film type and developed a technology to maximize energy storage. Lee Geon said, “Electrochemical energy storage such as batteries has the advantage to supply a device with electric energy for a long time but is not suitable for instantaneous charge and discharge. However, capacitor using static electricity is suitable for instantaneous charge and discharge but is difficult to store large energy. The developed nano-structure material is suitable for instantaneous charge and discharge, has high energy storage density, and may be used for electric cars which require high energy instantaneously.” Lee Seung-Ah reported the result of a study on “energy harvesting technology to use the energy discarded in daily life. Lee Seung-Ah developed a ceramic-based intelligent energy harvest material. The technology may substitute traditional power supply technology from batteries and power may be continuously supplied by a wireless sensor without charging or other control. Lee Seung-Ah said, “IoT wireless sensor network, which is highlighted as a core hardware technology in the 4th industry, requires a power source technology to substitute traditional batteries or supplement battery lifetime. The developed material may be manufactured at about 10% of costs compared with traditional energy harvest materials and durability and environmental credibility may also be guaranteed. Commercialization of energy harvesting technology may be further encouraged.” Professor Ryu Jeong-ho of Department of Materials Science and Engineering who advised them commented, “The technology for efficient generation and storage of energy is essential to solve world energy and environmental issues. Undergraduate students developed a technology for efficient conversion of electric energy to be discarded in daily life using a low-priced material and a technology on a material for instantaneous charge and discharge with high dense storage of energy. Additional studies are required for commercialization but such performance is meaningful in the respect that new materials may be developed and applied to application devices for efficient generation and storage of energy.” Meanwhile, the study was conducted with the support by Senior researcher support project and Global frontier project of National Research Foundation of Korea.
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 09
- 2021. 12. 01
- 14575
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 09
- 2021. 12. 03
- 14539
Selection of two laboratories including Nano Chem. Lab as the Best authenticated lab Ha Ju-hee, a graduate school student, etc. won Excellence Prize in Laboratory Prior Harmful Factor & Risk Analysis Report Preparation Contest. [December 3rd, 2021] <Nano Chem Lab and Energy Control & Storage Tech Lab of YU were selected by government-authenticated Excellent safety-control lab.> Two laboratories of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) were selected as Excellent safety-control lab. Through government authentication for eight consecutive years since 2014, the best safety control level was accepted. Nano Chem Lab (Professor Kim Yeong-su of Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) and Energy Control and Storage Tech Lab (Professor Kang Seok-won of Department of Automotive Mechanical Engineering) were selected as Excellent safety-control lab Especially, Nano Chem Lab (Professor Kim Yeong-su of Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) was selected as the Best authenticated lab and work the prize of the Minister of Information & Communication. As the laboratory was selected as the Best authenticated lab for the third time after 2017 and 2018, YU has the most number of selected Best authenticated lab in the whole country. Seven Best authenticated labs were selected in 2021 from the universities and laboratories in the whole country and four universities including YU were included. Excellent safety-control authentication system is the system that the government gives authentication to the laboratories having high safety-control levels, activities, and recognition among scientific technology laboratories installed in universities and research institutions, etc. This time, YU produced not only Excellent safety-control labs but also personal winners in safety control area. In “The 4th Laboratory Prior Harmful Factor & Risk Analysis Report Preparation Contest” held in 2021, Ha Ju-hee, PhD Course of Chemistry of YU Graduate School, and other three persons (Tutor Kim Yeong-su) won Excellence Prizes and got the prize of the head of National Research Safety Control Center. YU produced the third winner since Baek Gyeong-min, PhD Course of Environment Engineering, as a winner Grand Prize in the 1st Contest and Jeon Ho-yeong, PhD Course of Chemical Engineering, as a winner of Excellence Prize in the 2nd Contest.
- pr team
- 2021. 12. 09
- 2021. 12. 03
- 14824
Department of Saemaul International Development, Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS), and foreign students from 18 countries, etc. gathered the will to practice “Sharing, Service, and Creation.” Resolution to practice “Saemaul Spirit” in daily life and to play the role of Global Saemaul Leaders “Global social contribution activities will be started with services for development of communities.” [November 18, 2021] “Saemaul Club” of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) started its official sailing. YU had opening ceremony of Saemaul Club in Cheonma Art Center Convention Hall at 11 am, 18th. PARK Jun-Yeong (3rd Grade, Department of Saemaul International Development), students, club members, and YEOM Hong-cheol (Chairman of Korea Saemaul Undong Center) including KIM Jae-chun (Education Innovation Vice-President), HAN Dong-geun (Industry-College Cooperative Research Vice-President), LEE Hee-euk (President of PSPS), KIM Ki-su (Chairman of International Development & Cooperation Center), and KIM Yang-seon (Dean of Student Affairs) participated in the opening ceremony. YU Saemaul Club was established to build global knowledge based on Saemaul spirit and to improve recognition and understanding of Saemaul Undong in youths. The club members plan to make global social contribution activities through overseas voluntary service activities and participation in international development projects as well as service activities for development of communities such as education service, agricultural village service, environmental purification activities, neglected neighbor care projects, and talent donation activities, etc. Especially, as YU has Saemaul-specialization departments such as Department of Saemaul International Development and Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) and has a special graduate school, synergy effect of Saemaul Club activities is expected. The newly starting Saemaul Club has about 90 members consisting of not only the students of Department of Saemaul International Development but also more than 40 foreign students of PSPS from 18 countries and recruit of the members of the club will be expanded to whole university. PARK Jun-Yeong (Chairman of YU Saemaul Club) talked about his ambitions, “YU is accepted by international societies for systemization and development of Saemaul Undong to a field of study. It is meaningful in the aspect that Saemaul Club started by MZ Generation in such YU,” and “I will plan programs by grafting Saemaul including service activities based on Saemaul spirit with various studies through club activities in order to make the foundation for the club members to enhance their capabilities as global leaders.” In the opening ceremony, Saemaul Club members started regular activities with recitation of a written oath containing a resolution to sincerely practice Saemaul spirit (Diligence, Self-reliance, Cooperation, Sharing, Service, and Creation) in daily life and to play the role of global Saemaul leaders. In September, YU concluded a service agreement on cultivation of talents in Saemaul area with Korea Saemaul Undong Center. At that time, the two organizations agreed in cooperation for support of operation and management of Saemaul Club in the university and participation of college students in domestic/overseas Saemaul Undong programs and YEOM Hong-cheol (Chairman of Korea Saemaul Undong Center) encouraged students in the opening ceremony of Saemaul Club. YEOM Hong-cheol (Chairman of Korea Saemaul Undong Center) said in the congratulatory message, “Academic knowledge, education, and research expert of Saemaul Undong accumulated in YU is well known not only in Korea but also in the whole world. Saemaul Club focused in students will be another starting point to develop global Saemaul Undong,” and “Saemaul Club’s are being established by ones and twos in many colleges in the whole country. Korea Saemaul Undong Center will make sufficient support for planning and implementation of various programs connected with them.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “YU leads cultivation of talents to practice the spirit of sharing, service, and creation which are core values of Saemaul spirit,” and “YU Saemaul Club consists of natives and foreign students in about 1:1 ratio and is expected to make great contribution in understanding multi-culture society as well as practice of Saemaul spirit.” Meanwhile, YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul was established in November, 2011 to cultivate global Saemaul leaders in advancing countries. Until now, 762 students entered the school from 70 countries and, among them, 682 students from 65 countries got Master degrees and are working as professionals of international and local development of Saemaul in the world.
- PR team
- 2021. 11. 24
- 14565
“Top 1% in impact factors of theses” in three areas: engineering, computer science, and mathematics Only 23 researchers in the world in the three areas - The only researcher in Korea Report of more than 190 theses in internationally famous academic journals for recent three years, more than 32,000 times of citations [November 17, 2021] PARK Ju-hyeon (53) Professor of Department of Electric Engineering, YU was selected as one of Top 1% Researchers of the World again.He has been selected as one of the most influential researchers of the word for consecutive seven years since 2015. Clarivate Analytics (hereinafter referred to as Clarivat) which is a world-level information analysis service enterprise reported a list of “The most influential researchers in the world in 2021,” i.e. Highly Cited Researchers (Hereinafter referred to as HCR), on 16th. Especially, Professor Park was selected as one of Top 1% Researchers for consecutive three years since 2018 in three areas: engineering, mathematics, and computer science. There are only 23 researchers in the world who were included in the Top 1% in the world in three or more areas. In Korea, Professor Park is the only person. Being selected as HCR in many areas means the influence in wide range of areas and acceptance of unique research power in world-level researchers. Professor Park conducted active researches by reporting more than 190 theses in internationally famous journals for recent three years. Especially, his research performances were accepted at world level through more than 32,000 times of citations of his theses and more than 100 times citations of about 80 theses. Professor Park was selected as a regular member of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology and acts as an edition staff for many international journals including IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. In this year, 6,602 researchers from more than 70 countries were listed in HCR. 47 researchers were listed in HCR from Korea and, among them, 44 researchers are Koreans. In case of Korea, Professor Park is the only researcher who was selected in three or more areas and six researchers were selected in two areas. HCR are selected in 22 areas consisting of 21 science and social science areas and 1 cross-field (researcher who gave the largest influence to the researchers in various areas). In this year, HCR were selected based on times of citations of theses for 11 years from January 2010 to December 2020. In the list of 2021 HCR, 24 Nobel prize winners including five 2021 Nobel prize winners are included. Clarivate selects HCR based on analysis information obtained by the data and measurement bibliography professionals and data scientists of ISI (Institute for Scientific Information), an affiliated organization. It also selects and reports Novel-Class Citation Laureates selected as potential Novel winners through citation analysis as well as HCR
Video of Korean medium-and-small enterprises’ utilization of FTA to make export models using EU-Vietnam FTA YU GTEP Team enhanced practical capability as well as language and foreign trade theories through overseas exhibitions [November 17, 2021] <Students of GTEP Team 15th Class who won grand prize in 2021 FTA Utilization PR Content Contest for college & graduate school students> (BAE Jang-hyeon, LEE Chang-hwan, LIM Tae-gyu, and LEE Seung-min from the left> YU GTEP (Global Trade Experts Incubating Program) Team students won grand prize in 2021 FTA Utilization PR Content Contest for college & graduate school students. In the contest conducted from July to October last year, 85 teams participated in whole country. Six teams won prizes finally, and, among them, YU Team won grand prize in video part. The contest was conducted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and Korea International Trade Association and is a PR video content contest in the subject of FTA utilization for encouragement of export of Korean enterprises. YU students who won grand prize in the contest are LIM Tae-gyu (26), LEE Chang-hwan (25), BAE Jang-hyeon (24) (all 4th Grade), and LEE Seung-min (24) (3rd Grade) of College of Business and Economics of GTEP Team 15th Class. The winner work of YU Team is <Daegu Some Youth (Textile’S)>. They made the work in a web drama type to show the process that a domestic medium-and-small enterprise of textile area makes a successful export model with strategic utilization of EU-Vietnam FTA. The video showed an export strategy that a Korean medium-and-small enterprise in Vietnam may maximize profit by saving tariffs or getting a preferential tariff with active use of EU-Vietnam FTA and was favorably assessed. LIM Tae-gyu, a member of YU GTEP Team 15th Class, gave his impressions, “FTA is the most important agreement in global international trade market. I wanted to form an interesting story by combining a case to utilize FTA,” and “I am glad that the FTA export strategy we studied was accepted by the professional agency. We could enhance our professional knowledge on international trade and practical capability through the activities of GTEP Team. As we won grand prize in the contest, our self-confidence seems to be enhanced for the dream of international trade professionals.” YU GTEP Team is recognized as a cradle to cultivate youth international trade professionals. The students of GTEP Team enhance their practical capability by making marketing activities in overseas exhibitions with the workers of medium-and-small enterprises in addition to basic education about languages and trade business affairs, market analysis, overseas marketing, and counseling with buyers, etc. The students of GTEP Team have been playing the role of advance guards of medium-and-small enterprises’ export by participating in overseas exhibitions every year. YU has been implementing Global Trade Experts Incubating Program (GTEP) for 20 years starting with TI (Trade Incubator) project of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy in 2002 and operates GTEP Team 15th Class in this year.
Construction of core infrastructure for cultivation of talents of future vehicles and drones Construction of same environment with actual roads for trial examinations of self-driving vehicles Industry-college cooperative R&D test, utilization of future vehicle education course practice yard of College of Mechanical and IT Engineering Self-driving vehicle contest will be held. [November 9, 2021] <Scene of YU next mobility urban self-driving platform> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) constructed YU next mobility urban self-driving platform and held the opening ceremony on the 9th. It has the meaning that core infrastructure to cultivate talents and to lead activation of industry-college cooperation in the area of next nobility, i.e. future vehicle and drone area, which is one of new technology areas in the times of the 4th industrial revolution. The next mobility urban self-driving platform was constructed with the support by Social Tailored LINC+ (Leaders in Industry-college Cooperation+) Cultivation Project in YU Gyeongsan Campus with about 3,600m2 of area. Running environment same with actual roads is constructed for trial examinations of self-driving vehicles. Paved running roads, electric & traffic equipment such as crosswalks, six 3-color and 4-color traffic signals, two crosswalk signals for walkers, and one signal light control system, road and traffic signs, and safety fences were constructed. Especially, drone flight point posts will be installed in the space so as to be used for drone education and practice including drone flight exercise. YU College of Mechanical and IT Engineering plans to use the urban self-driving platform as an education course and practice yard for future vehicles and drones and to use it for holding contests including various tests needed for industry-college cooperative R&D. Also, common utilization method will be sought for through industry-college cooperation with local automobile component industry and cooperation with other colleges and research institutes. BAE Cheol-ho, the manager of YU LINC+ Team, said, “The infrastructure for education about self-driving vehicles and drones which belong to next-generation industry was provided with construction of YU next mobility urban self-driving platform,” and “I will do my best for construction of infrastructure including laboratories for industry-college cooperation as well as configuration of education curriculum so that YU students may grow to be the talents to lead next mobility area.”